Charity Carwash Raises £200 for Keech Hospice Care
Friday saw the culmination of a month of fundraising for the annual Autoglass® day at Woburn Safari Park for Keech Hospice Care. This year, the weather was much more favourable compared to last, and whilst the rest of head office – dressed as their super heroes - played human table football, rode surf boards and ate from the barbeque, the retail repair team with support from SJ set about ‘washing’ (drywashing) cars with the waterless carwash product, Onedrywash, for the cause.
This was a great opportunity for the new management team to spend some time together, and they worked hard together, cleaning well over 20 cars, inside and out, to raise £200 for the cause.
Despite the senior management needing to keep checking on things inside, and SJ always finding a distraction, the day managed to pass by in a much more organized way than last year, and the team should be really proud of their efforts.
Next year, Tim from Onedrywash will be joining us. Well, he is much better with a cloth in his hand than SJ (just what we’ve heard !!)
Thanks to SJ for giving us his time and the tools to do the job, and thanks to everyone who let us loose on their cars :)
Mark Howe
Central Support Manager, Retail Repair
Autoglass® - We Fit Safety As Standard®